Everyday Me


Travelling is my absolute favourite hobby, but being a scientist is my real job. This blog is my little online world… and although I created it as a journal of my adventures and an outlet for my photography, it seemed weird that there was no science on it considering that’s what I do 80% of the time! So I thought I’d sprinkle a little bit of science on here for anyone who might be interested, and viola! Welcome to this page.

I’m working towards my PhD at the moment researching inflammation in heart disease. It’s full of ups and downs, things working and not working, but it’s ALWAYS interesting. (Actually, I’ve learnt things are often even MORE interesting when they don’t work). I love being in the lab, doing experiments and entering into the unknown. But I also really enjoy teaching other people, especially non-scientist folk, about what I do. It’s what we in the biz call SciComm (short for science communication).

Part of the SciComm work I do is face-to-face at science festivals and pop-up events, but I also write articles and guest posts for magazines and blogs. I thought I’d pop links on this page to some of my articles, which are pretty varied in subject matter – so there should be something there for everyone!

Running Away from Unwanted Inflammation (BlueSci Magazine Issue 33) –A piece on the anti-inflammatory effects of exercise (turn to pages 6-7)

Is the Way to our Hearts Through our Stomachs? (BlueSci Magazine Issue 35)An article on how the bacteria in our guts contribute to heart disease (turn to pages 14-15)

Synaesthesia – when our senses don’t make sense (Biodetectives) A guest blog on the intriguing phenomenon where some people’s senses are intertwined – for instance, they can see sounds, or feel colours.

What exactly is citizen science? (BlueSci Issue 37)A short article on how an email from a businesswoman with no scientific background led to a potential medical breakthrough, proving you don’t have to BE a scientist to think like one (turn to page 21).

Hope you enjoy them! Kimmy x