New Zealand Road Trip: Mount Cook National Park Pt 2

On our final morning in Mount Cook National Park, the clouds had lifted and we had the most beautiful weather, which meant that we could finally do the hikes that I had planned! We woke up at 4AM (sorry Aled), packed our bags, and drove to the carpark at the start of the Tasman Glacier […]

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New England Fall Roadtrip: The White Mountains

After spending two glorious days exploring Vermont (which you can read about here and here), we headed to the White Mountains in New Hampshire. We spent one day in the mountains and it was my favourite day of our ENTIRE trip. The leaves were so much brighter than they were in Vermont, and there were […]

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Hiking Trolltunga: My first black-rated hike

Hiking Trolltunga has been on my bucket list for SUCH a long time, and last weekend I finally ticked it off! I had seen pictures of that famous ledge all over Pinterest and Instagram, and thought “I need to do that hike“. While chatting to my friend and fellow wanderluster Lakshi (who also writes an […]

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Paris: Falling in Love With the City of Love

Paris is such an iconic city. Fun fact: I actually won a trip there when I was 6 years old. I entered a competition through my French club and sent a cassette tape (yes I did say CASSETTE TAPE… 90’s kids, ya feel me) of me singing the french nursery rhyme ‘Allouette’. That tape represents […]

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6 Tips For The Perfect Rockies Roadtrip

Last summer I spent the most INCREDIBLE two weeks road-tripping through the Canadian Rockies, and I have to say, I think I left a little piece big chunk of my heart there. I fell in love with the winding roads, which are enveloped by awe-inspiring mountains and decorated with lakes that are the most striking shade of blue. […]

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Driving The Icefields Parkway

We drove from Jasper to Banff via the Icefields Parkway. The most amazing road EVER. It’s dotted with incredible scenery, viewpoints and wildlife (we spotted 2 black bears) . I think I’ll just let the pictures speak for themselves below. We stopped at the Crossing Resort on the way for lunch, where we shared a pulled […]

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Exploring Jasper National Park

WHERE: Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada WHEN: June 2016 HOW LONG FOR: 1 day From Whistler we made the 9 hour drive to Jasper through Wells Grey Park and Mt Robson Park. We found that Jasper was by far the best place for spotting wildlife – we saw bears, elk, chipmunks, deer, moose, red squirrels, […]

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A Little Cinque Terre Adventure

WHERE: The Cinque Terre, Italy WHEN: September 2015 HOW LONG FOR: 3 days The Cinque Terre, or the ‘five lands’. Higgledey-piggledey houses chaotically scattered over sheer cliff faces that somehow instil you with an intrinsic sense of calm. Each house a different shade of yellow, orange or red, boasting terraces overflowing with beautiful flowers adding […]

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WHERE: New York City WHEN: March 2014 HOW LONG FOR: 3 days New York has been up there on my list of ‘places I need to visit’ for quite some time, and I was lucky enough to tick it off last year. I’m not usually a city person – give me a little town by the seaside […]

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